
a rustic; country bumpkin.

PNW Yokel Mountaineers

My photo
Arlington, WA, United States
Just a bunch of guys & gals that love hiking during their free time. Always adventurous, looking for the next peak to summit, we love experience the mountains and the challenges in the wilderness. Site is kept up by Cham. Photos are by Beau R, Tim C, Cham Mc, Kathy L.

Gothic Basin 2009

Gothic Basin (Granite Falls, WA)

Probably my 2nd favorite hike in 2009. I went with my friend Beau R. & it was worth the intense 4+ hour trek to make it to the basin. If you go during the summer months, you can get some incredible waterfalls, beautiful tarns, and some sick looking shots of Monte Cristo...and thats before you even get to the basin.

Probably one of the most all around scenic hikes out there. You spend the first mile or so walking along the South Fork Sauk River, then you traverse through timber and rock formations with waterfalls. Its a great hike just to get to the top. The basin is totally worth it even if you don't plan to summit the Gothic Peak or Del Campo. Beautiful blue tarns, rock that looks like it would be a prop in The Lord of the Rings movies, a massive lake (Foggy Lake) and an incredible view of so many mountains.

Beau & I ended up shimmying up to Gothic Peak. I was to fatigue to try Del Campo due to a hike the day before. Just know that Gothic Peak involves some scrabbling at the end. We found that out when so guy explained to us that it was an easy summit with a clean trail. There was no clean trail. We scrambled a bit, but didn't summit b/c we weren't sure where we were climbing. So, the guy became the butt of a ton of jokes and frustrations on our journey down. We came across another guy who explained to us that the scramble was just apart of the summit. Again, we add more jokes and frustrating comments to our conversation about the first guy who didn't know what the heck he was talking about.

All in all, one of the best hikes. I plan to go camp at Foggy lake and summit both Gothic Peak & Del Campo. Below are some pics..

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